Earlier known as Peel the USPC CSE Onion, this book is specially designed to be of help to the thousands of young people who dream of entering the prestigious civil services of India, but lack a mentor or even a friend to guide them on how to approach the admittedly tough examination set by the UPSC.

Shilpi Mittal, who managed to crack the civil services examination thrice and also aced the personality test before choosing the IRS, brings her valuable knowledge and experience to guide the new aspirant without a mentor as well as those aspirants who have tried but not yet succeeded. She has tried to remove the layers of myth and mystery that envelop the civil services examination. She peels the layers off to give a clear picture of what to expect while preparing for the exam, how to cope with stress, what information needs to be gathered for each subject without wasting time and energy and from where, how to master writing answers, and how to tackle the actual examination at the Prelims and Mains levels as well as the all-important personality test. She does this by answering a multitude of questions that have bothered aspirants at one time or the other. There is also useful information on some of the services–the myths that surround them and what to expect in reality.

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