Most competitive examinations include a Test of English Language (or a Test of Communication Skills). And most of these tests comprise objective type questions, more specifically, multiple choice questions. This book has been designed keeping in mind the two basic needs of the candidates—a thorough grounding in the subject and adequate practice at answering the right kind of questions.


  • Essential Grammar Review takes the readers through the fundamental aspects of grammatical usage, focusing on those areas which seem difficult to most students of the language and highlighting the ‘pitfalls’ that need to be avoided—all the while keeping in mind the areas that examiners love to test.
  • Essential Vocabulary Review gives fairly exhaustive lists of words—synonyms and antonyms, confusing words with their subtle differences in meaning, words that substitute for many others, idioms and phrases; besides, these words are illustrated in sentences so that readers get a clear idea of their meaning and correct usage.
  • Numerous worked examples and comprehension passages, shortcuts and tips on how to avoid pitfalls have been incorporated to comprehensively guide the readers.
  • The largest section of the book is devoted to application of knowledge and improving one’s proficiency by answering a variety of the right kind of questions and checking their answers. All the common question types in their variety of formats (including the recent innovations) so far set in a number of competitive examinations are covered.
  • Systematically arranged under different section heads, the practice exercises comprise questions modelled on examination trends and are arranged in manageable sets to enable readers to work steadily without lapse of concentration.
  • There is also a selection of questions from various examinations incorporated in relevant units.
  • Fast-track methods have been suggested for choosing the correct answer in a multiple choice question so that time can be skilfully managed.

This book will be of use to candidates of all competitive examinations that test for English language, especially banking, NDA, CDS, and management entrance examinations and others of similar standard.

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